Keynote Address
(Dinners, Leadership Seminars, Professional or Organizational Meetings, Etc.)

Addresses can be tailored to fit your needs. Each address can be designed to meet the needs of a diverse audience base, not exclusive to fraternity and sorority life. Past keynotes include: 

  • Leadership challenges and strategies for making good decisions 

  • Defining the desired state; empowering members by talking about what we can do and not when we cannot 

  • Risky Biz - integrating risk management into your organization culture

  • Getting ahead of the problem by focusing on prevention

Let's Talk Values!

(Workshop to Compliment Keynote or offered as a stand alone program)
(1.25 hour session)

“Focus on your Values” is often a suggested solution for engaging members in improving chapter operations and yet for women leading chapters and councils this task can be more difficult than it seems. Join Kim for an interactive session where you will learn how to engage your chapter or community in meaningful dialogues about values “look like” in action.  Learn how focusing values conversations on what your chapter or community is supposed to look like instead of what it cannot look like can improve operations and increase involvement form membership.   Strategies for getting the chapter or member’s voices into the room and actively engaged will be provided.

Let's REALLY Talk Values!
(45 minute to 1 hour session)

“Focus on your Values” is often a suggested solution for reducing risk and for improving chapter operations however for students leading chapters and councils this task can be more difficult than it seems. Join Kim for a high-energy real conversation about what "focusing on values" means. Learn how to engage your chapter or community in meaningful dialogues about what values “look like” in action.  By focusing values conversations on what your chapter or community is supposed to look like instead of what it cannot or should not look like you can decrease risks and increase involvement from membership in your efforts!

New Member Risk Management Program
(1 hour community program)

This plenary/keynote program is an option for using NovakTalks to deliver the message directly to new members that students can be trained to provide themselves in the workshop: Empowerment not Fear: The Right Approach to Welcoming New Members Into Your Community. 

Research tells us Fraternity & Sorority Communities are the highest-risk populations on today’s college campuses. This program engages new members in a meaningful conversation about their rights and responsibilities in this high-risk environment. Using both national and available institutional data the facilitator will challenge participants to embrace not only their rights as new members but also their responsibilities. 

Participants will be provided a reality-based description of the current fraternal experience as well as what a healthy fraternal experience looks like. The speaker will challenge new members to embrace the truth about the challenges and opportunities that come with joining a fraternity or sorority while empowering them to make choices that reduce personal risk while upholding the values of their perspective chapters. Specific information will be provided on the following issues: hazing, alcohol and other drugs as well as sexual assault.

*This program can be tailored for non-fraternal communities. 

Creating a Community of Care
(1-1.25 session)

A large session for both members of your community and interested members that challenges the broader campus and/or fraternity/sorority community to approach risk management from a perspective of care. Message provided empowers students to act upon what they can do and NOT what they cannot do. Students will learn how to talk about risk management within the context of friendship, brotherhood, sisterhood and CARE. 

This program can be designed to highlight specific behaviors (hazing, high-risk alcohol consumption or other risky issues the community is struggling to manage). 

*This session is easily adapted for staff or volunteers.